Find the Kotlin and Android Interview questions

Murali Akula
4 min readSep 19, 2022



Here are Kotlin and Android interview questions and answers for fresher as well as experienced candidates to get their dream job.

Kotlin Interview Questions

1. Why kotlin is better than java? Kotlin Basics is major asked question

2. What is null safety in kotlin? How to declare and ensure?

3. What are literals and identifiers in a class and examples?

4. What is class loader?

5. What is the difference between Java and Kotlin?

6. MVC vs MVP vs MVVM architecture?

7. What is sealed class in kotlin?

8. How you will create a singleton class?

9. What are Coroutines in Kotlin?

10. Launch vs Async in Kotlin Coroutines.

11. What is difference between lateinit and lazy?

12. When to use abstract and when to use interface?

13. What is the difference between val and var? How to convert a String to an Int?

14. What are companion objects in Kotlin?

15. What are the visibility modifiers in Kotlin?

16. What is a data class in Kotlin?

17. How to ensure null safety in Kotlin?

18. Difference between method overloading and overriding.

19. What is Dependency Injection?

20. What is an inline function in Kotlin?

21. What are higher-order functions in Kotlin?

22. What is the difference between const and val

23. What is an extension function?

24. Can We Execute Kotlin Code Without JVM?

25. What Kinds of Programming Types Does Kotlin Support?

26. Add more Kotlin basic questions like overview, Methodology, category, Datatypes, Multithreading, Overloading, Over writing, Exception handling.

27. Explain about Scope functions

28. Difference between Null check and Safe Calls in kotlin? What is the Elvis Operator?

29. What are lamda functions and anonymous functions.

30. Explain about by Delegate keyword.

Android Interview Questions

1. How you will optimize data in RecyclerView?

2. How does RecyclerView internally works?

3. What is Pagination?

4. What is OkHttp Interceptor?

5. Tell me something about RxJava?

6. How will you handle errors in RxJava?

7. Life Cycle between two activities?

8. Fragment Life Cycle.

9. Why do we use the Dependency Injection Framework like Dagger in Android?

10. How does the Dagger work?

11. Difference between JRE and JDK?

12. What is onSavedInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState() in activity?

13. What is the function of an IntentFilter?

14. What is a BroadcastReceiver?

15. What is a LocalBroadcastManager?

16. When you will use Linear Layout and Relative layout? What is linear and relative layouts and difference

17. What is Data Binding?

18. What are “launch modes”?

19. What is Intent?

20. What is an Implicit Intent?

21. What is an Explicit Intent?

22. What are the different protection levels in permission?

23. What is AndroidManifest.xml?

24. What does the apk file consists?

25. What is Pending Intent?

26. How to implement EventBus with RxJava?

27. What is LiveData in Android?

28. What is Android Jetpack and why to use this?

29. How LiveData is different from ObservableField?

30. Can you a create custom view? How?

31. Android Memory Leak and Garbage Collection.

32. What are things that we need to take care while using Proguard?

33. Tell about Constraint Layout.

34. What is a ContentProvider and what is it typically used for?

35. How ViewModel work internally?

36. Explain Work Manager in Android?

37. What is the function of an IntentFilter?

38. What is the difference between Activity and Fragment?

39. What is the difference between onCreate() and onStart()?

40. What is an AsyncTask(Deprecated in API level 30)?

41. What is ANR? How can the ANR be prevented?

42. What are View and ViewGroups in Android?

43. What is Service and its types?

44. How to encrypt data in Android?

45. What are “launch modes”?

46. What is the difference between Serializable and Parcelable? Which is the best approach in Android?

47. Explain Looper, Handler and HandlerThread.

48. What is the purpose of addToBackStack() while commiting fragment transaction?

49. Difference between View.GONE and View.INVISIBLE?

50. Relative Layout vs Linear Layout.

51. How do you find memory leaks in Android applications?

52. What is DDMS?

53. What is the use of WebView in Android?

54. What are different kinds of context in Android?

55. Lifecycle for activity, fragments and services.

56. Start and stop for services

57. Database management Sqlite

58. Hardware accessing like Camera, Sensors

59. Tell me the Lifecycle flow from Activity A to B

60. Tell me the Lifecycle flow in fragment add and replace?

61. What are all design patterns used in your applications

62. Explain flow firebase push notificationflow

63. How to handle a large set of data in Recyclerview

64. Why do we need to use viewmodel class.

65. Explain MVVM flow for registration screen.

66. Difference between databinding and viewbinding.

67. How you will map data to UI.

68. Difference between Livedata and Muteable live data?

69. What is the difference between commit and apply in sharedpreference

70. What is the main difference between mvp and mvvm

71. What are all the advantages of dependency injection.

72. Explain about Room database and advantages.

73. What is the difference between compiled sdk version and target sdk version?

74. What is the difference between FragmentPagerAdapter vs FragmentStatePagerAdapter?

75. Why do we use Network call and Why?

76. What is android app bundle?

77. What are different ways to store data in your Android app?



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